EditMenuCmds = [#qmenu.item("Remove selection", EscClick, "|The first time to press Esc, you are sent back to the 1st page; the second time, or if you where already at the 1st page, the currently selected objects are unselected."),
qmenu.popup("View Group", [], ViewGroup1click, "|options for groups", "intro.mapeditor.menu.html#viewgroup")]
X0 = qmenu.item("Group is &visible", onclick, "display the group normally")
X1 = qmenu.item("Group is &grayed out", onclick, "always gray out the group")
X2 = qmenu.item("Group is &hidden", onclick, "completely hide the group")
menulist = [X0, X1, X2, qmenu.sep]
for text, flag, hint in (
("Hide on &textured views", VF_HIDEON3DVIEW, "don't show on 'camera' views"),
("&Cannot select with the mouse", VF_CANTSELECT, "cannot select by clicking on map views"),
("&Ignore to build maps", VF_IGNORETOBUILDMAP, "|Groups with this flag are not included in the map when you select commands from the '"+quarkx.setupsubset().shortname+"' menu. This lets you disable parts of the map that you don't want to try playing now.\n\nNote that you can force this flag to be ignored and all groups to be included, thanks to the corresponding command in the 'Options' menu.")):
"The base pop-up menu for a given list of objects."
mult = len(sellist)>1 or (len(sellist)==1 and sellist[0].type==':g')
Force1 = qmenu.item(("&Force to grid", "&Force everything to grid")[mult],
editor.ForceEverythingToGrid, "|This command forces the selected object(s) to the grid. It snaps their center to the nearest grid point.\n\nNote that for a polyhedron, this forces its center to the grid, not all its faces. For cubic polyhedron, you may need to divide the grid size by two before you get the expected results.")
Force1.state = not editor.gridstep and qmenu.disabled
Cancel1 = qmenu.item("&Cancel Selections", mapselection.EscClick, "cancel all items selected")
#Cut1.cmd = "cut"
Cut1 = qmenu.item("&Cut", editor.editcmdclick, "cut this to the clipboard")
Cut1.cmd = "cut"
Copy1 = qmenu.item("Cop&y", editor.editcmdclick, "copy this to the clipboard")